Friday, October 9, 2015

Just When You Thought You Couldn't Wait Anymore....

So it's been about 2 months since I last updated my blog. The main reason is because, well, there hasn't been much to update you on. 

When I last posted, I had just received a copy of my background check from the Virginia State Police and was waiting to receive my FBI background check. Well surprise, surprise... I'm still waiting. I sent my original request on July 17, 2015. It was received on July 22, 2015. I knew it was going to take a few months to get a response, so I patiently waited. I've mentioned previously that I am a member of the immigration forum Well there is a thread in the forum for FBI processing times. A few people, who had submitted their requests around the same time I did, recently posted that they were receiving their background checks in the mail this week. I started to get a little worried because my credit card hadn't even been charged yet! I decided to call the FBI processing center today and check my status. Good thing I did because apparently I wrote the wrong expiration date on the credit card form and they were unable to process my request. Fortunately, I was able to fax a new credit card form to them with the correct information. The bad news is that I go to "the bottom of the pile" of applications. I'm hoping that this doesn't mean another 3 months of waiting. While I was on the phone with the representative from the FBI, I asked if they had received my my 2nd background check request and if I had made the same mistake on that form. He told me that they have received it, but it has not been opened yet. He explained that it would likely be another 20 days or so before they start opening mail from mid-August (I mailed it on 8/13/2015). So, today was kind of a bummer. I plan on calling back tomorrow to make sure my fax was received and gets to the correct person.

Now onto some good news!

First things first... I received my passport!! YaY!! I mailed off my request on August 7, 2015 and received my passport on September 15, 2015! I can travel again.. well just not to Canada (haha!)... but I'm working on that! I opted for the passport book this time, instead of the passport card, because it allows me to travel anywhere and by any means of transportation. The passport card only allows you to travel to Mexico and Canada and you cannot travel by air with it. The book is good for 10 years, and hopefully I will be living with my husband in Canada by then :)

Other good news!

The application for Criminal Rehabilitation suggests that I get letters of recommendation from people in public office (city counsel members, mayor, governor, etc). So, I started emailing my local representatives one by one requesting their help! I did this on October 6, 2015, and have already received 2 responses!! Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of information available about what these letters should say, so we are kind of "flying blind" so to speak. I've been corresponding with my local representative from the House of Delegates about myself, my situation, and how he can help. I'm also going to schedule a meeting with a member of city counsel sometime this coming week (I'm a little nervous about this one.. sometimes meeting new people can be intimidating). 

I think that's all the news I have for now. Still playing the waiting game. Kind of feel like my life is on hold until I get all of this taken care of. Even after I apply for Criminal Rehabilitation, I have another "hoop to jump through" when I apply for Permanent Residency. I just hope that my husband and I can catch a break soon. Until then, we will continue waiting!

Below is an updated list of costs and the current total amount of money spent on the process thus far. 

ITEM                                COST         SENT          DELIVERED     RECEIVED

FBI Background Check -- $18.00 --- 7/17/2015 ---- 7/22/2015 

VA Police State Check -- $20.00 --- 7/17/2015 ---- 7/20/2015 ------ 8/13/2015

Fingerprints (1) ----------- $5.00 ---- 7/17/2015

Postage --------------------- $11.50 --- 7/17/2015

Passport Photos (4) -------- $27.36 --- 7/30/2015

Court Documents ---------- $2.00 ---- 7/30/2015

Passport (booklet) --------- $110.00 -- 8/7/2015 ----- 8/9/2015 ----- 9/15/2015

Postage/Money Order ----- $7.00 ----- 8/7/2015

DMV Driving Record ----- $8.00 ----- 8/7/2015

Fingerprints (2) ------------- $10.00 ---- 8/10/2015

FBI Background Check --- $18.00 ---- 8/13/2015 --- 8/17/2015

Postage ---------------------- $5.75 ----- 8/13/2015

Current Total = $242.61

Thanks for reading!I hope you find this and future entries helpful!